refreshing expectations after break

Refreshing Expectations After Break

We’ve all been there. Coming back from break ready to start teaching right where you left off with your students who have...
impulse control activities for kids

8 Easy Impulse Control Activities for Kids

Kids don’t automatically learn impulse control and self-regulation – you have to teach them strategies to use! I have 8 impulse control...
teaching problem solving strategies to kids

Teaching Problem Solving Strategies to Young Children

One of the most important things we can do as teachers of young children is teaching problem solving strategies to our students....
what is persistence and how do I teach it?

What is Persistence and How do I Teach It?

Of course, we don’t want our students to give up when assignments get hard, but what is persistence and how do I...
positive self image activities for kids

Easy, Positive Self-Image Activities for Kids

One of the important social emotional skills for children to develop is a strong sense of self. We want our students to...

Turning Misbehaviors In The Classroom into Teachable Moments

The secret to good teaching? Finding those teachable moments and running with them. Good social-emotional instruction involves a balance of preventative instruction...
self-regulation strategies

Easy Self-Regulation Strategies

It is so important to teach our students self-regulation strategies, but it is even more important this year. Students need to be...

Helping Students Focus At Home

Learning at home is very different than learning at school and we need to support our students to do their best in...

Strategies for Anxiety

Many students this year will need support with anxious feelings. In this previous blog post, we learned about what anxiety is, where...

Books to Support Anxiety

Last week, I introduced anxiety and the differences between typical anxieties and anxiety disorders. You may be looking for more resources to...