
What are the best Math read aloud books for kindergarten?

Kindergarten Cafe

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Math read aloud books for kindergarten are a great way to connect literacy and math. Math books for kindergarten are great connectors to math lessons and can lead to fun and engaging practice. Below are some of my most favorite math read aloud books for kindergarten and how I use them!

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Greg Tang

math read aloud books for kindergarten

Greg Tang is a fantastic resource for families and teachers. Greg’s website has a ton of great (and FREE) games for children to play and practice. In addition to all of his great websites, Greg has several fantastic math books for kindergarten through fifth grade! I love leaving his books for math lessons while I am out because it is engaging and meaningful, but easy that any substitute can handle it! My favorite of all his books is Math-terpieces because it sparks such great conversation with my students, but it is simple enough that all students can engage with it, and yet my more advanced math students can engage with math more on their level at the same time.

Christopher Danielson

One of my favorite math routines in kindergarten involves Which One Doesn’t Belong and How Many? You can read about them here. There are books by Christopher Danielson that can be used for these wonderful discussions, both at home and at school.

Measuring Books

math read aloud books for kindergarten

Measuring and geometry are probably the units that I have the most math read aloud books for kindergarten. I love all my measuring books because they make for engaging lessons before sending students off to go practice hands-on measuring. They also help children understand some of the more abstract concepts of measuring and comparing objects. I love using the books How Big? and How Heavy? To help compare the sizes and weights of different objects for students. It’s always extreme so the children love learning the fact in the book. But, my favorite measuring math read aloud books for kindergarten is Actual Size by Steve Jenkins. The children LOVE seeing the actual size of different animals or their body parts. After reading the book, the children complete different non-standard measurements of their favorite animals from the book. Steve Jenkins has some fantastic non-fiction books with beautiful illustrations.

math books for kindergarten

Shape Books

I love using the following math books for kindergarten in my 2D and 3D shapes unit. All the books then lead into fun activities, like creating class books. This is another great way to integrate math with literacy. Mouse Shapes and The Shape of Things are great for 2D shapes. Not a Box is great for 3D shapes.

Addition and Subtraction Books

math books for kindergarten

When introducing the concept of addition and subtraction, I always use the math read alouds for kindergarten If You Were a Plus Sign and If You Were a Minus Sign to help children understand the symbols involved in the equations. You can read more about that here. I also love the different Pete the Cat books for learning about and practicing subtraction: Pete the Cat and the Groovy Buttons, Pete the Cat and the Missing Cupcakes, and Pete the Cat Got Class. Because let’s be honest. I love anything and everything Pete the Cat!

Math Books For Families

I recommend Bedtime Math to all my families, but especially the families whose children love math but don’t show a big interest in listening to stories at night. Fiction books aren’t for everyone! Bedtime Math is a great way to continue developing a love of reading and books, while connecting the story to solving math problems. It also encourages some great math discussions and important reasoning and explaining through problem-solving.


Math read aloud books for kindergarten are fantastic ways to integrate literacy and math. They are also fun to use in lessons to launch a new activity. Which math read aloud for kindergarten is your favorite?

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