Reading Strategies PowerPoints

Explicitly teaching reading strategies is important when students are learning to read. I love using a PowerPoint to model for the whole class how I use a strategy to help me read and then give my students a chance to practice it as a whole class. I have 12 different PowerPoints in my Teachers Pay Teachers to support different reading strategies. They are available individually or as a bundle!

Why PowerPoint?

kindergarten reading powerpoints for teaching reading strategies

PowerPoint puts the text up on the screen nice a big so that everyone can see it. It also allows me to do fun transitions and animations. This means I can cover up parts of the word or underline or star important words/parts of words. This helps the students visualize the strategy while they are reading the book. Plus, if you have a smart board, the students can actually tap along the animations. If you don’t have one, then they can still tap on the board and you can move the animations along with the computer. Most of these PowerPoints feature my sight word emergent readers, which you can get individually or as a bundle, and so it is a great connection to the work the students are already doing.

Foundational Reading Strategies

kindergarten reading powerpoints for teaching reading strategies

The first reading strategies that I teach my students when learning how to read are about one-to-one correspondence. Students need to know that each word is a unique word and gets its own “tap”. This helps students to focus in on one word at a time while reading. I love using the reading strategy PowerPoints called “Every Word Gets a Tap” and “Fall Leaves” where students practice pointing to each word on the page. As they point, or tap, a dot appears underneath.

free reading strategy powerpoint for kindergarten

Cueing Skills

kindergarten reading powerpoints for teaching reading strategies

Students need to learn what strategies they can use to help them read the words on the page. The first reading strategy to learn is about using the pictures to help them understand what the page is talking about. Students also have to use the beginning sounds of words to help them figure out what the word could be, especially if the picture could be of a few things.

kindergarten reading powerpoints for teaching reading strategies

I have two PowerPoints that can help practice these skills – “Study Pics Before Reading” and “Use Pics and Beginning Sounds”. Students also need to anchor their one-to-one correspondence with their understanding of sight words. Before ever teaching this, I have front-loaded a few key sight words, like “I,” “and,” “the”, etc. Then students can practice finding sight words in their reading with two different PowerPoints: “School Tools Sight Words” and “Milkshake Sight Words”.  We also want students to use a book’s pattern to help them predict what words they will see on each page, but to also be aware when the pattern changes. I use the “Finding The Pattern” PowerPoint to help with this.

Self-Monitoring Reading Strategies

kindergarten reading powerpoints for teaching reading strategies

We want students to check-in with themselves as they are reading and to ask, “does that make sense?”. And then to keep trying different words and/or strategies if it doesn’t make sense. I have a PowerPoint that I use to help practice this – “Does It Make Sense Lesson”.

Phonics Skills

I also use reading strategy PowerPoints to target phonics skills, such as identifying ending sounds and chunks, like “-ing”. If you like the PowerPoint style, and are looking for more phonics skills, you might be interested in my phonics PowerPoints!

Other Reading Strategies

kindergarten reading powerpoints for teaching reading strategies

How do you teach fluency on a PowerPoint?! Well, you start by having them identify the punctuation symbols and understand what they mean. From there, you practice reading phrases with different punctuation symbols and changing your voice to match accordingly.

kindergarten reading powerpoints for teaching reading strategies

And what about non-fiction reading skills? Well, when reading non-fiction books, students need to learn how to identify the expert words and decode them. My “Non-Fiction Expert Words” PowerPoint is perfect for this.


It is important to explicitly teach reading strategies to students. What better way to do that than with an interactive PowerPoint that puts the strategy front and center for all students!


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